合同号: citvc日期:年月日 委托方名称: MTV asia ldc/中国国际电视总公司
电话: 86-10-6395-7073
传真: 86-10-6395-7074
联系电话: 86-传真: 86-
委托期限: 壹 年
传播方式: 连续直接播出节目语言: 中文
被委托媒体: 涉外单位闭路电视系统被委托用户种类: 涉外单位
被委托单位终端数:付费周期: 免费
解码器价格: 4,000.00元人民币/台(以协议签署后实际收视之日为计)
5.中国国际电视总公司依照与MTV asia ldc签署的合作协议,在中国大陆地区独家代理MTVa频道的收费发行业务。
entrustment agreement of the distribution of MTVa’s satellite
(foreign related institutions only)
no. of contract: citvcdate:
name of the truster:MTVa/ citv
tel: 86-10-6395-7073
fax: 86-10-6395-7074
name of the trustee:
tel: 86-
fax: 86-
term of the entrustment: one year,from:to:
mode of distribution: consecutive and direct distribution
language of the programming: chinese
media form of the trustee: closed tv system of foreign related institutions
nature of the trustee: foreign related institutions
no. of terminals of the trustee:rooms
decoder price: rmb 4,000.00
additional terms:
1. truster may cancelany part of MTVa’s programmingor inform the trustee to take measures to prevent the distribution of concerned programming, if truster believes such programming will infringe the rights and benefits of others.
2. truster reserves all rights not specifically granted to the trustee concerning MTVa.
3. the trustee agrees that the truster shall not be responsible for the losses due tothe violations of the agreement by the trustee.the benefits of the truster shall not be infringed.
4. once executed, this agreement shall not be terminated by the trustee during the term. thereafter, the trustee must inform the truster at least 90 days earlier, provided the trustee needs to terminate this agreement.
5. in accordance with the contract between citv and MTVa, citv shall bethe exclusive agent responsible for the distribution of MTVa’s programming and the collection of relevant fees.
6. this agreement and the additional terms shall be binding on both the truster and the trustee once it is executed. ……此处隐藏3553个字……date:
servicelicensed: cnn internationalauthorised media: smatv language:englishauthorised subscriber: cnni-receiving units transmission category: continuous retransmission
number of terminal:billing frequency: yearly currency: rmb(as above of the date)
rate of terminal per day: rmb 0.75advanced arrears: advanced satellite sinosat 1decoder u/a no.:
total subscription fee: rmb
additioinalprovisions comments
1.if licensor determines that the telecasting of any part of the program of the service would infringe the right of others. licensor shall have the right to withdraw such program or notify licensee of such program, whereupon licensee shall make arrangements to prevent the transmission of the program.
2.all rights in and to the service not expressly granted are reserved by licensor.
3. licensee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless licensor from and against all claims, costs, damages and liabilities arising from or related to any breach of the contract by licensee.
4. during the validity of the contract.licensee or licensor shall notify the opposite party of the desire to terminate the contract at least ninety days prior to the initial or end of the then current period.
5. the minimum annual charge for each licensee is rmb 41,500 if the contract value countedon available rooms is less than rmb41,500.
6. according to the contract between china int’l tv corp (cits) and turner international (ti),cits acts as ti’s sole agent in theterritory of china and have the sole right to sellthat certain programming service produced by cnn known as “cnn international”. thecontract shall still be effective if cits stops being ti’s agent, ti shall take over the rights and liabilities of licensor.
7. the contract, including any attachments hereto. whenfully excuted by parties shall constitute a legally binding agreement between licensor and licensee. the parties agreeto negociateingoodfaithandexecutethecontractstrictly.
附 件
一.为 确 保 用 户 在 协 议 起 始 日 能 接 收 到 所 需 的 节 目,转 播 授 权 协 议 书 签 订 后, 签 约 方 应 在 三 天 之 内 把 解 码 器 款 汇 至 授 权 方 指 定 的 开 户 银 行、 帐 户,授 权 方 在 收 到 解 码 器 款 或 见 到 付 款 凭 证 的 传 真 件 后, 应 在 一 周 内 将 解 码 器 送 至 当 地 的 管 理 部 门。
二.解 码 器 价 格:人 民 币4,000元
三.cnn 节 目 单 价:0.75 元 / 天. 房 间
涉 外 酒 店 最 低 年 收 视 费 为 rmb41,500 元
使 领 馆 每 年 rmb 24,900 元
四.收 视 费 汇 款 应 在 协 议 起 始 后 的 十 日 之 内 按所 签 协 议 的 付 款 周 期 将 收 视 费 汇 至 指 定 银行 帐 户, 用 户 若 以 人 民 币 支 付, 应 按 汇 款 当日 美 元 卖 出 价 折 算 人 民 币。 汇 款 时 请 注 明cnn 节 目 收 视 费。
户名:中 国 国 际 电 视 总 公 司
开户行:工 商 银 行 西 客 站 支 行 营 业 部